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Are you fed up with the lies that the diet industry conveys? 


Do any of these describe you?
Like many women, after starting a diet, you may lose 5 pounds, only to end up gaining 12 pounds back.

The average woman will try 130 diets in her lifetime

The average woman starts a new diet, twice a year, but only stays on it for about 4 1/2 weeks

Add pregnancy to the mix and it gets worse!  75% of women are heavier after pregnancy with an average weight of 173 pounds one year after giving birth. Of that, 47% of women retain over 10% of the weight that they gain during pregnancy

What is this really costing you? 
Distanced Couple
Your hormones... The mental tricks it plays on your mind...
The constant defeats... Mood swings... Hunger... Feeling deprived...
Feeling like a failure, again, because you didn’t stick to yet another diet...

What would life look like for you if you weren’t in a constant battle of craving food within your own mind?

How would it feel to not ever have to diet again?

How would it feel to actually have the energy needed to do your daily tasks, have energy for your kids, and quality time with your husband.

Meet one of my clients, a mom on a mission, who put a stop to the yo-yo dieting.

She’s a mother of three and a business owner with her husband. She previously was doing cardio six days a week, and deficit calories, she constantly watched her weight

After working with me, she added in healthy, nutritious foods and removed the food labeled with low-fat, no fat, and other ingredients that contained added preservatives and artificial sweeteners.

I also removed  2/3 of her cardio exercises and replaced it with 2 - 3 weight resistance exercises each week.


The results:  10 pound weight loss, a stronger firmer physique, better brain clarity, energy, and a resumption of her menstrual cycle. This shows that what she was doing previously was wreaking havoc on her hormones.


Watch her video and hear the success she’s had. 

You too can learn how to lose weight and feel confident in what you’re doing

You can be the positive roll model your kids deserve.

Be the confident woman in the workplace and as a wife.

Get to a place where you’re habitual with decisions you make when it comes to your health.

I’m here to do this for you, to guide you and give you the accountability to get you there. 

If you want to be my next mom... 

If you want in on my elite coaching...


Go here to fill out your questionnaire.

These sessions aren’t for everyone and I book up fast, so if there’s a spot available grab it.

Who is Katie?
Katie Osterhoff

A certified nutritionist and personal trainer with:

Precision Nutrition 

Dr. John Berardi, founder of Precision Nutrition, has worked in the nutrition and fitness industry for over 2 decades, with a PhD in nutritional biochemistry. Over the last 15 years,  the method behind Precision Nutrition Coaching has been tested with nearly 100,000 clients. Plus, several peer-reviewed research papers have documented the safety and effectiveness of the Precision Nutrition approach.

Nutritional Coaching Institute

NCI teaches the application of macro nutrient maintenance for client success. Solutions are found through evaluation of diet, hormones, and lifestyle.

National Academy of Sports Medicine 

A WORLD LEADER IN FITNESS CERTIFICATION, EDUCATION AND PERFORMANCE. For more than 30 years, the National Academy of Sports Medicine ™ (NASM) has set the standard in certification, continuing education, solutions and tools for health and fitness, sports performance and sports medicine professionals.

As a former homeschooling mom, Katie has the skills and experience to break down concepts to a beginning stage for those just learning. 


Katie is married and has six children between her and her husband Mike. With six children in a blended family, a husband who travels frequently, and managing her online business, she is no stranger to the demands of a busy mom. She lives what she preaches, finding time to eat healthy meals, prepare nutritious dishes, and stay physically active. She draws on her experience and background to help activate new lifestyles for any busy mom!

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